Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional

Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional

Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional Average ratng: 10,0/10 7561 reviews

Delphi is an integrated development environment (IDE) for rapid application development of. New Quickreport components replacing Borland ReportSmith. Each edition: Explorer, a free downloadable flavor, and a Professional flavor, priced at. Delphi XE2 is supplied with both the VCL, and an alternative library called. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. FastReport VCL Embarcadero Edition is included at no extra charge the Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate and Architect editions of Delphi XE2, C++Builder XE2 and RAD Studio XE2.

I tried installing using the sources you sent me and when I was compiling I received the following errors (log attached): C: D10 TeeChart 2017 Source TeCanvas.pas(5803,22): error E2010: E2010 Incompatible types: 'VCLTee.TeCanvas.TTeeCanvas' and 'TeCanvas.TTeeCanvas' C: D10 TeeChart 2017 Source TeCanvas.pas(8614,22): error E2010: E2010 Incompatible types: 'TTeeCanvas' and 'TTeeCanvas3D' For now I am using the compiled packages that were in the ZIP you sent me. Please can you send me the correct procedure to compile & install the source package you sent me? I'm using: Delphi Professional 10.2 (Tokyo - 25.0.26309.314) Quick report 5.06 2 (Build 49 - 2017/05/12) Teechart Pro 2017 (2019) Thank you. NatSam wrote:I tried installing using the sources you sent me and when I was compiling I received the following errors (log attached): C: D10 TeeChart 2017 Source TeCanvas.pas(5803,22): error E2010: E2010 Incompatible types: 'VCLTee.TeCanvas.TTeeCanvas' and 'TeCanvas.TTeeCanvas' C: D10 TeeChart 2017 Source TeCanvas.pas(8614,22): error E2010: E2010 Incompatible types: 'TTeeCanvas' and 'TTeeCanvas3D' It sounds as the problem with the prefixes. It should be fixed adding 'VCLTee' to the 'unit scope names' in your IDE at 'Tools Options.' NatSam wrote:For now I am using the compiled packages that were in the ZIP you sent me.

Please can you send me the correct procedure to compile & install the source package you sent me? I'm using: Delphi Professional 10.2 (Tokyo - 25.0.26309.314) Quick report 5.06 2 (Build 49 - 2017/05/12) Teechart Pro 2017 (2019) When the paths, unit scope names and project references are correct, you only have to open the.groupproj and: - Select win32 target platform in the runtime package (Tee9QR*), and build it. - Select win64 target platform in the runtime package (Tee9QR*), and build it. - Select the designtime package (DclTee9QR*), and build it. Chertezh pokrasochnih kamer.

Now all the compiled packages should have been regenerated in the 'compiled' folder. Copy the compiled packages to the according locations: - Copy 'compiled Bpl win32 DclTee9QR*.bpl' to '$(BDS) bin' - Copy 'compiled Bpl win32 Tee9QR*.bpl' to 'C: Windows SysWOW64' - Copy 'compiled Bpl win64 Tee9QR*.bpl' to 'C: Windows System32' - Copy 'compiled Lib *.*' to '$(BDS) lib *.*' Now everything should be in place. Go to 'Component Install Packages.' , click 'Add.' Button and browse and select the '$(BDS) bin DclTee9QR*.bpl' package. To check if the problem was with my Delphi, I did the following: 1) I created a new VM (Windows 10).

2) I installed the Delphi 10.2 Tokyo (Professional). 3) I installed the Quick Report Professional 5.06. 4) I installed the Teechart 2017.22 (file TeeChartVCLFMXSOURCE-2017.22.exe) 5) Unzip the Tee9QR5D25.zip. 6) Check IDE Paths 7) Add VCLTee' to the 'unit scope names' in 'Tools Options.'

6) Build the ProjectGroup1.groupproj (file Tee9QR5D25). The same error occurs: C: D10 TeeChart 2017 Source TeCanvas.pas(5803,22): error E2010: E2010 Incompatible types: 'VCLTee.TeCanvas.TTeeCanvas' and 'TeCanvas.TTeeCanvas' C: D10 TeeChart 2017 Source TeCanvas.pas(8614,22): error E2010: E2010 Incompatible types: 'TTeeCanvas' and 'TTeeCanvas3D' I tried again, now with QuickReport 6: 1) I created a new VM (Windows 10). 2) I installed the Delphi 10.2 Tokyo (Professional) WITHOUT TeeChart Standard. 3) I installed the Quick Report Professional 6. 4) I installed the Teechart 2017.22 (file TeeChartVCLFMXSOURCE-2017.22.exe) 5) Unzip the Tee9QR6D25.zip. 6) Check IDE Paths 7) Add VCLTee' to the 'unit scope names' in 'Tools Options.' 6) Build the ProjectGroup1.groupproj (file Tee9QR6D25).


Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional
© 2019