Primeri Smet Na Proektnie Raboti Kapitaljnij Remont Rezervuara Nefti

Primeri Smet Na Proektnie Raboti Kapitaljnij Remont Rezervuara Nefti

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Author(s): Stasys Peldžius, Saulius Ragaišis Subject(s): Library and Information Science, Evaluation research, ICT Information and Communications Technologies Published by: Vilniaus Universiteto Leidykla Keywords: software process assessment; Transitional Process Assessment Model; CMMI; ISO/IEC 15504; Summary/Abstract: The most popular process assessment models worldwide are the International Standard ISO/IEC 15504 and CMMI. Companies seeking wider official recognition choose between these two models. It should be noted that the choice of the model usually depends not only on the characteristics of the model itself, but also on external circumstances. Companies face the problem that different customers require process assessment according to different models. Therefore, it is important for companies to have an instrument that would transform company’s assessment results according to one process assessment model to another model without actual reassessment each time. The transitional process assessment model can be used to automatically transform assessment results between different process assessment models.

Primeri Smet Na Proektnie Raboti Kapitaljnij Remont Rezervuara Nefti

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