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Ustrojstvo dlya ostanovki elektronnogo elektroschetchika. TESCAN also offers field emission (FE) SEM systems equipped with high brightness Schottky emitter for achieving high-resolution and low-noise imaging. MIRA3 is a high-resolution FE-SEM while MAIA3 is an ultra-high resolution (UHR) FE-SEM. The new microscopes, from the S8000 and S9000 Series, complement the list.
Rule #5: No questions about buying/building computers, hardware, peripherals, furniture, etc. This includes linking/posting your completed builds. Use (you can ask about chairs and tables there too),,,,, or instead. Rule #6: No requests for game suggestions, friend requests, surveys, or begging. Game requests go in our,. This includes friend/group/clan recruitment. You'll have better luck in specific game subs with that.
Rule #7: No Let's Plays, streams, or highlight reel videos. In addition to this, Youtube links posted by new accounts are filtered due to channel spamming.
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