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Contents • • • • • • • • • • Historical background [ ] A product of territorial, Bophuthatswana - popularly nicknamed 'Bop' by her nationals - accepted nominal independence in 1977 from South Africa's administration. The second national unit to reach the status of a with limited but hypothetically increasing powers of self-rule, Bophuthatswana adopted as her governing document an act drafted by the former Tswana Territorial Authority under South African guidance. South Africa was adamant that elections should take place as early as 1972, but there were no political parties in the new region. This changed rapidly with the ascension of, who founded the Lekobo la Setshaba sa Bophuthatswana (English: 'Bophuthatswana National Party'). Mangope targeted rural votes and carried an easy majority in the new parliament.
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At Szczakowa district. In the middle of the nineteenth century the authorities of Rzplita Krakowska planned to build a railway line towards Silesia. Mihail Veller. Velikij poslednij shans----- © Copyright Mihail Veller WWW: Nomer karti postoyannogo aviapassazhira 12. Vishel v 1899 godu v Peterburge perviy nomer 'Mira iskusstva' i nadelal mnogo shuma. Vasnecova etot nomer yavno ne udovletvoril, i on stal v oppoziciyu k zhurnalu, obyaviv, chto nichego bolshe tuda ne dast. Mi chem-to ne ugodili emu v ego biografii, i eto okonchatelno vosstanovilo ego protiv nas. Ya pomnyu, naprimer, tot, ne stol uzhe zamechatelno postavlenniy i chut nelepiy tanec, kotoriy ona ispolnyala vo vtorom akte 'Docheri faraona' na prazdnike, ustroennom ee carstvennim otcom v chest pribivshego v kachestve zhenixa Numidiy-skogo carya. V afishe etot nomer znachilsya pod zagadochnimi slovami 'Danse du Theorbe oriental'.
Although Bophuthatswana was not recognised as a unique entity by any foreign state, an estimated two million Tswana lost their South African citizenship accordingly. The 1977 Constitution made it a self-governing democracy inside the Republic of South Africa, with an area of jurisdiction spanning six black-populated districts of the designated Tswana area. Excluded were zones earmarked for white persons encompassing much of the capital and industry.
Prelude [ ] Under Mangope's rule, political freedoms in Bophuthatswana deteriorated. Opponents of the state were subject to banishment, arrest, or extrajudicial harassment. The was also considered an illegal organisation. 's release in 1990 and 's subsequent opened up the possibility of reincorporating the fragmented bantustans into a unitary South African state. Although all tribal homelands ceased to exist in 1993 under an interim constitution, Mangope remained committed to the principle of Bophuthatswana's 'independence'. Tswana voters were appalled; opposition mounted but remained subject to escalating repression. Human rights groups complained that citizens were barred from attending voter education programmes and only Mangope loyalists enjoyed the.
On January 1, 1994, de Klerk restored South African citizenship to Bophuthatswana residents but balked at the notion of removing its government from power. Mangope agreed to convene with representatives from the yet refused to consider participating in the upcoming. A commission member subsequently warned that '.his [Mangope's] intransigence made confrontation inevitable'. Outbreak [ ] Civil Service strike [ ] In February, the executives of fifty-two Bophuthatswanan ministries formed the so-called 'Mmabatho/Mafikeng Crisis Committee', initially to address their role in the post-election period. When it became apparent that Mangope would continue to oppose territorial integration for the near future the committee went on strike. Since Bophuthatswana was set to be disestablished by the South African government on April 27, they demanded their wages - and civil service - well in advance of that date.