Kurtai Atlasi Tochiki 2017

Kurtai Atlasi Tochiki 2017

Kurtai Atlasi Tochiki 2017 Average ratng: 8,7/10 3064 reviews

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KurtaiKurtai Atlasi Tochiki 2017

„zinātnes, pētniecības un tehnoloģiju attīstības vadlīnijas valsts aizsardzības jomā 2006.-2017.gadam”. Nosaka šādus militārās zinātnes ilgtermiņa attīstības virzienus un pētniecības jomas: 1. Starptautiskās un iekšējās drošības vide un norises (1.1. Starptautiskā drošības politika un starptautiskās attiecības.

Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) is quickly becoming the most widely used gradient analysis technique in ecology. The CCA algorithm is based upon Correspondence Analysis (CA), an indirect gradient analysis (ordination) technique. CA and a related ordination technique, Detrended Correspondence Analysis, have been criticized for a number of reasons. To test whether CCA suffers from the same defects, I simulated data sets with properties that usually cause problems for DCA.

Results indicate that CCA performs quite well with skewed species distributions, with quantitative noise in species abundance data, with samples taken from unusual sampling designs, with highly intercorrelated environmental variables, and with situations where not all of the factors determining species composition are known. CCA is immune to most of the problems of DCA.


Kurtai Atlasi Tochiki 2017
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