Clipp Store Serial

Clipp Store Serial

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Clipp store 2017 + serial

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Clipp store 2017 + serial

Greg Taylor Founder, Clipp Greg Taylor is a serial entrepreneur - he started his first business when he was in university and has not had a ‘real job’ since. Clipp is his latest project, a fully Point-of-Sale integrated app that allows customers to open, view, share and pay their bar tab or restaurant bill from their mobile phone. Clipp is used in over 100 venues across Australia ranging from small bars like Bulletin Place, to larger groups like the Argyle and ALH (Woolworths). Greg is also the founder of eCoffeeCard, a loyalty card app used in 1,600 cafes across Australia and by over 230,000 coffee lovers. Previously (1).


Clipp Store Serial
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