Extracting Data from pdf417 such as Drivers License. But i think driving license barcode is in encoded format so that its not working via zxing lib. Paid lib but I'm looking for the freeware. Anyways thanks for the response, please let me know if you have any about free lib.
The was developed by the Card Design Standard committee made up of jurisdictional and federal government members. The CDS provides for the design of driver licenses (DL) and identification (ID) cards and its intent is to improve the security of the DL/ID cards and the level of interoperability among cards issued by all North American jurisdictions. 2016 DL/ID Card Design Standard Released! AAMVA is happy to announce the release of the 2016 AAMVA DL/ID Card Design Standard (CDS).
The 2016 CDS supersedes the 2013 AAMVA DL/ID Card Design Standard. AAMVA strongly recommends that jurisdictions beginning new card design and production efforts base their work on the 2016 standard. The 2013 AAMVA DL/ID Card Design Standard, along with previous versions, will continue to be available since jurisdictions have cards in production that are based upon those specifications. AAMVA offers its free Courtesy Verification Program (CVP) to members through arrangements with Intellicheck Mobilisa (layout, security features, and machine-readable technologies) and Exponent (durability and predictive service life). The CVP provides an effective way for AAMVA members to determine if their driver's licenses and identification (DL/ID) cards and other motor vehicle administration documents using machine readable technologies conform to the applicable AAMVA standards and specifications. Just as compliance with these standards and specifications is voluntary, participation in the CVP is also voluntary. AAMVA strongly encourages its member jurisdictions to regularly take advantage of the CVP.
Even though AAMVA has published best practices, standards and specifications covering DL/ID cards and the bar codes for other documents for years, inconsistencies in the implementation of those guidelines continue to occur. These inconsistencies adversely impact the interoperability and potential service life that are the main goals of the AAMVA DL/ID standards and specifications. A primary objective of the CVP is improving the consistency of implementation across all jurisdictions choosing to follow the AAMVA DL/ID standard and specifications. Information gained from the testing of jurisdictions' DL/ID cards and other documents is not only used by jurisdictions to improve their issuance systems but is also used by AAMVA to make improvements to the standards and specifications it publishes. AMVA recommends that its members consider submitting DL/ID cards and other documents on three occasions. Probably the most important of these occasions is the introduction of a new configuration or design for the document.
Many problems can be avoided if they are discovered before the actual issuance of documents begins. Similarly, the jurisdiction may choose to have documents tested as part of its selection process when choosing a contractor. Finally, AAMVA strongly recommends regular, periodic retesting of documents at least annually. This last recommendation is based on the fact that we have discovered that unintentional changes to the format and content of the documents actually being issued sometimes occur. The process for submitting documents is fairly simple. The necessary forms and instructions are contained in the. Contact:, director, Identity Management (703) 342-7459.
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Reading is actually the easy part. Most of you on this blog are pretty keen and might’ve picked up on how the raw data in that string worked and thought, “I could parse that!” As mentioned previously, the biggest catch out there is adoption. It’s one thing to figure out how to parse some values from a long text string, but writing them out correctly and following the AAMVA spec is what’s really holding states and countries back. LEADTOOLS makes it incredibly easy to make sure your data follows the specifications, AND can write the barcode. So get out there and code something that’s so easy, even a sloth can do it!